Bing Entity Search API Now Generally Available

We are pleased to announce the general availability of Bing Entity Search API, which is now available in the United States and the following other markets: Australia, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, India, Italy, Mexico, Spain and the United Kingdom.

Bing Entity Search API brings rich contextual information about people, places, things, and local businesses to any application, blog, or website for a more engaging user experience. With Bing Entity Search, you can identify the most relevant entity results based on the search term and provide users with primary details about those entities. With our latest coverage improvements, we now support multiple international markets and many more entity types such as famous people, places, movies, TV shows, video games, and books. With this new API, developers can enhance their apps by exposing rich data from the Bing Knowledge Graph directly in their apps.

Bing Entity Search API Demo Screenshot

Developers can now innovate using Bing Entity Search to fulfill their users’ information needs and help users perform searches in context, instead of forcing users to switching apps to perform web searches. Millions of Bing users around the globe use rich information from the Bing Knowledge Graph every day, on, Cortana, Xbox, Office, Skype and more. Our API partners, like Jibo, use the Bing knowledge graph to add smarts to their products to understand and respond to human queries.

So are you now thinking, “How do I use this technology in my application?”. Below is a short list of ideas to help you explore possibilities:

  • Messaging app that could provide an entity snapshot of a restaurant, making it easier for a group to plan an evening.
  • Social media app that could augment users’ photos with information about the locations of each photo. A news app could provide entity snapshots for entities in the article.
  • Music app that could augment content with snapshots of artists and songs.
  • Camera app that could use Computer Vision API to detect entities in an image and then use Entity Search API to provide more context about those entity inline, and so on.

The possibilities are endless.  We are excited to see how you will incorporate Bing Entity Search API into your applications.

Source: Bing Blog Feed

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